Why is the church talking about what I do with my money?
Except for the Kingdom of God, Jesus talked more about money than anything else. That is because he knew that money will always play a significant role in lives and is, therefore, a matter of Christian discipleship. It belongs to God, who cares what we do with it.
What is a pledge?
A pledge is an estimate of what you will invest in the church ministry in the coming year based on your current situation. A pledge is not a legally binding contract. It can always be adjusted up or down based on what happens during the year.
Why do we make a financial pledge? What difference does it make?
For individuals, pledging helps us to prayerfully plan for our financial contribution to the mission and ministry of Jesus through his church. For the faith community, it helps us build a realistic budget and tangibly demonstrates that we are part of this journey and will do our part.
Who makes a pledge?
Members and non-members alike, adults and children – anyone can make a pledge. Couples can pledge either as individuals or together. Ideally, every participant in the Impact Miami Church will make a financial pledge.
How much should I pledge?
Biblical stewardship is more about proportion than dollar amount. In keeping with what we believe scripture teaches, we see the “tithe,” or 10% of our gross income, as a good starting point. When we give the tithe, 10% or “first fruits” of what God has entrusted us, it “honors the owner” and invests in God’s favorite ministry, the church.
What is the difference between a pledge and a tithe?
Any estimate of giving submitted on a pledge card is a pledge. If that pledge is 10% or more of gross income, it is a tithe.
What if the tithe seems financially unrealistic for me?
Tithing or putting “first things first,” helps reorder our financial life. So ironically it may turn out to be realistic after all. If your a guest at Impact Miami Church give what your able, but consistency help us grow. If your a member the starting point is 10%. God may ask you to live off only 10% and tithe 90% like many have done throughout history (i.e. J.C. Penny). Either way, your motivation and attitude are most important. Take a step. Whatever you pledge, let it be with a joyful heart, trusting that God will provide.
What if my income is presently uncertain or changes this year?
Just make a reasonable estimate based on your projected income. All of us have income coming in from some where that we should be tithing on. You can adjust your giving along the way. If you experience a major income increase or decrease, you are welcome to revise your pledge at any time during the year.
What is the church budget?
It takes significant financial resources to fund ministries, staff and facilities. A combination of tithes/offerings and investment/facility income have made that possible. To be a healthy and viable church, we must grow to the point that our tithes/offerings or “living giving” and facility income fund the entire budget, which is carefully and faithfully managed by your elected church leaders.
How do I make a pledge?
Pledge forms are online. When you fill it out your will received an copy via email. Please put a valid email address. You can give your offering or tithe by cash, check, bank transfer or by credit card. For more information regarding bank transfer or other forms of giving, please contact the church office or the web site.
How often should I give?
Most people give on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Weekly giving is most helpful for the church as it ensures a consistent flow of resources to cover our regular expenses.